Step into the diverse and compelling narratives surrounding menopause
with our collection of powerful films.
At You and Me_nopause, we're committed to amplifying the voices often left unheard, shedding light on the unique experiences of menopause within marginalised communities.
Our journey begins with "Our Menopause," a poignant exploration centred on the experiences of Black women. From there, we delve into "Afro Brazilian and African Voices: Our Menopause," capturing the rich tapestry of Afro-descendant experiences. "Migrant Women: Periods and Cycles in Transition" follows, offering an intimate glimpse into the lives of migrant women navigating the menopause. And keep an eye out for our upcoming release, "Queer and Menopausal," a groundbreaking exploration of menopause within the queer community.
What unites these films is a shared revelation: for many, discussing menopause openly and honestly has been a rarity within their communities. Yet, within the safe space of our productions, participants found solace, connection, and a profound sense of solidarity.
Now, it's your turn to engage. If you're inspired by these stories and want to bring them to your community, consider arranging a screening. Contact us to learn more about hosting a screening in your area and be a catalyst for meaningful dialogue and understanding.
These films are the result of a collaborative partnership between Efficacy EVA, You and Me_nopause, and Impact on Urban Health.
Join us on this transformative journey as we redefine the narrative around menopause, one story at a time.